



  • 程序向堆上写入数据。
  • 写入的数据大小没有被良好地控制。


  1. 覆盖与其物理相邻的下一个 chunk 的内容。
    • prev_size
    • size,主要有三个比特位,以及该堆块真正的大小。
      • IS_MAPPED
      • PREV_INUSE
      • the True chunk size
    • chunk content,从而改变程序固有的执行流。
  2. 利用堆中的机制(如 unlink 等 )来实现任意地址写入( Write-Anything-Anywhere)或控制堆块中的内容等效果,从而来控制程序的执行流。



一般是用malloc,在某些情况下会使用 calloc 分配。calloc 与 malloc 的区别是 calloc 在分配后会自动进行清空,这对于某些信息泄露漏洞的利用来说是致命的。



#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) 
  char *chunk,*chunk1;
  return 0;

realloc 的操作并不是像字面意义上那么简单,其内部会根据不同的情况进行不同操作

  1. 当 realloc(ptr,size) 的 size 不等于 ptr 的 size 时
    • 如果申请 size > 原来 size
      • 如果 chunk 与 top chunk 相邻,直接扩展这个 chunk 到新 size 大小
      • 如果 chunk 与 top chunk 不相邻,相当于 free(ptr),malloc(new_size)
    • 如果申请 size < 原来 size
      • 如果相差不足以容得下一个最小 chunk(64 位下 32 个字节,32 位下 16 个字节),则保持不变
      • 如果相差可以容得下一个最小 chunk,则切割原 chunk 为两部分,free 掉后一部分
  2. 当 realloc(ptr,size) 的 size 等于 0 时,相当于 free(ptr)
  3. 当 realloc(ptr,size) 的 size 等于 ptr 的 size,不进行任何操作



  1. 输入
    • gets
    • scanf
    • vscanf
  2. 输出
    • sprintf
  3. 字符串相关的
    • strcpy
    • strcat
    • bcopy



  • 分配的实际size是要对齐的(32位8字节对齐,64位16字节对齐),也就是实际分配的size并不一定等于用户申请的size
  • 一个chunk可以使用相邻下一个chunk的prev_size字段,所以在64位系统malloc(24)会发现申请的是一个用户数据是16字节的chunk,再加上下一个chunk的prev_size字段共24字节。

Off By One


off-by-one 指程序向缓冲区中写入时,写入的字节数超过了这个缓冲区本身所申请的字节数并且只越界了一个字节。


  1. 溢出字节为可控制任意字节:通过修改大小造成块结构之间出现重叠,从而泄露其他块数据,或是覆盖其他块数据。也可使用 NULL 字节溢出的方法
  2. 溢出字节为 NULL 字节:在 size 为 0x100 的时候,溢出 NULL 字节可以使得 prev_in_use 位被清,这样前块会被认为是 free 块。(1) 这时可以选择使用 unlink 方法(见 unlink 部分)进行处理。(2) 另外,这时 prev_size 域就会启用,就可以伪造 prev_size ,从而造成块之间发生重叠。此方法的关键在于 unlink 的时候没有检查按照 prev_size 找到的块的后一块(理论上是当前正在 unlink 的块)与当前正在 unlink 的块大小是否相等。

最新版本代码中,已加入针对 2 中后一种方法的 check ,但是在 2.28 前并没有该 check 。

/* consolidate backward */
    if (!prev_inuse(p)) {
      prevsize = prev_size (p);
      size += prevsize;
      p = chunk_at_offset(p, -((long) prevsize));
      /* 后两行代码在最新版本中加入,则 2 的第二种方法无法使用,但是 2.28 及之前都没有问题 */
      if (__glibc_unlikely (chunksize(p) != prevsize))
        malloc_printerr ("corrupted size vs. prev_size while consolidating");
      unlink_chunk (av, p);



aslr — Show/set ASLR setting of GDB
asmsearch — Search for ASM instructions in memory
assemble — On the fly assemble and execute instructions using NASM
checksec — Check for various security options of binary
cmpmem — Compare content of a memory region with a file
context — Display various information of current execution context
context_code — Display nearby disassembly at $PC of current execution context
context_register — Display register information of current execution context
context_stack — Display stack of current execution context
crashdump — Display crashdump info and save to file
deactive — Bypass a function by ignoring its execution (eg sleep/alarm)
distance — Calculate distance between two addresses
dumpargs — Display arguments passed to a function when stopped at a call instruction
dumpmem — Dump content of a memory region to raw binary file
dumprop — Dump all ROP gadgets in specific memory range
eflags — Display/set/clear/toggle value of eflags register
elfheader — Get headers information from debugged ELF file
elfsymbol — Get non-debugging symbol information from an ELF file
gennop — Generate abitrary length NOP sled using given characters
getfile — Get exec filename of current debugged process
getpid — Get PID of current debugged process
goto — Continue execution at an address
help — Print the usage manual for PEDA commands
hexdump — Display hex/ascii dump of data in memory
hexprint — Display hexified of data in memory
jmpcall — Search for JMP/CALL instructions in memory
loadmem — Load contents of a raw binary file to memory
lookup — Search for all addresses/references to addresses which belong to a memory range
nearpc — Disassemble instructions nearby current PC or given address
nextcall — Step until next ‘call’ instruction in specific memory range
nextjmp — Step until next ‘j*’ instruction in specific memory range
nxtest — Perform real NX test to see if it is enabled/supported by OS
patch — Patch memory start at an address with string/hexstring/int
pattern — Generate, search, or write a cyclic pattern to memory
pattern_arg — Set argument list with cyclic pattern
pattern_create — Generate a cyclic pattern
pattern_env — Set environment variable with a cyclic pattern
pattern_offset — Search for offset of a value in cyclic pattern
pattern_patch — Write a cyclic pattern to memory
pattern_search — Search a cyclic pattern in registers and memory
payload — Generate various type of ROP payload using ret2plt
pdisass — Format output of gdb disassemble command with colors
pltbreak — Set breakpoint at PLT functions match name regex
procinfo — Display various info from /proc/pid/
profile — Simple profiling to count executed instructions in the program
pyhelp — Wrapper for python built-in help
readelf — Get headers information from an ELF file
refsearch — Search for all references to a value in memory ranges
reload — Reload PEDA sources, keep current options untouch
ropgadget — Get common ROP gadgets of binary or library
ropsearch — Search for ROP gadgets in memory
searchmem — Search for a pattern in memory; support regex search
session — Save/restore a working gdb session to file as a script
set — Set various PEDA options and other settings
sgrep — Search for full strings contain the given pattern
shellcode — Generate or download common shellcodes.
show — Show various PEDA options and other settings
skeleton — Generate python exploit code template
skipi — Skip execution of next count instructions
snapshot — Save/restore process’s snapshot to/from file
start — Start debugged program and stop at most convenient entry
stepuntil — Step until a desired instruction in specific memory range
strings — Display printable strings in memory
substr — Search for substrings of a given string/number in memory
telescope — Display memory content at an address with smart dereferences
tracecall — Trace function calls made by the program
traceinst — Trace specific instructions executed by the program
unptrace — Disable anti-ptrace detection
utils — Miscelaneous utilities from utils module
vmmap — Get virtual mapping address ranges of section(s) in debugged process
waitfor — Try to attach to new forked process; mimic “attach -waitfor”
xinfo — Display detail information of address/registers
xormem — XOR a memory region with a key
xprint — Extra support to GDB’s print command
xrefs — Search for all call/data access references to a function/variable
xuntil — Continue execution until an address or function
address              Windbg compatibility alias for 'vmmap' command.
arena                Prints out the main arena or the arena at the specified by address.
arenas               Prints out allocated arenas
argc                 Prints out the number of arguments.
args                 Prints out the contents of argv.
argv                 Prints out the contents of argv.
aslr                 Inspect or modify ASLR status
auxv                 Print information from the Auxiliary ELF Vector.
awk                  None
bash                 None
bc                   Clear the breapoint with the specified index.
bd                   Disable the breapoint with the specified index.
be                   Enable the breapoint with the specified index.
bins                 Prints out the contents of the fastbins, unsortedbin, smallbins, and largebins from the
bl                   List breakpoints
bp                   Set a breakpoint at the specified address.
canary               Print out the current stack canary.
cat                  None
chattr               None
checksec             Prints out the binary security settings using `checksec`.
chmod                None
chown                None
config               Shows pwndbg-specific configuration points
configfile           Generates a configuration file for the current Pwndbg options
context              Print out the current register, instruction, and stack context.
cp                   None
cpsr                 Print out ARM CPSR register
da                   Dump a string at the specified address.
date                 None
db                   Starting at the specified address, dump N bytes
dc                   None
dd                   Starting at the specified address, dump N dwords
dds                  Dump pointers and symbols at the specified address.
diff                 None
distance             Print the distance between the two arguments
down                 Select and print stack frame called by this one.
dps                  Dump pointers and symbols at the specified address.
dq                   Starting at the specified address, dump N qwords
dqs                  Dump pointers and symbols at the specified address.
ds                   Dump a string at the specified address.
dt                   Dump out information on a type (e.g. ucontext_t).
dumpargs             Prints determined arguments for call instruction. Pass --all to see all possible arguments.
dw                   Starting at the specified address, dump N words
eb                   Write hex bytes at the specified address.
ed                   Write hex dwords at the specified address.
egrep                None
elfheader            Prints the section mappings contained in the ELF header.
emulate              Like nearpc, but will emulate instructions from the current $PC forward.
entry                Set a breakpoint at the first instruction executed in
entry_point          GDBINIT compatibility alias to print the entry point.
env                  Prints out the contents of the environment.
environ              Prints out the contents of the environment.
envp                 Prints out the contents of the environment.
eq                   Write hex qwords at the specified address.
errno                Converts errno (or argument) to its string representation.
ew                   Write hex words at the specified address.
ez                   Write a string at the specified address.
eza                  Write a string at the specified address.
fastbins             Prints out the contents of the fastbins of the main arena or the arena
find_fake_fast       Finds candidate fake fast chunks that will overlap with the specified
fsbase               Prints out the FS base address.  See also $fsbase.
getfile              None
getpid               None
go                   Windbg compatibility alias for 'continue' command.
got                  Show the state of the Global Offset Table
gotplt               Prints any symbols found in the .got.plt section if it exists.
grep                 None
gsbase               Prints out the GS base address.  See also $gsbase.
heap                 Prints out all chunks in the main_arena, or the arena specified by `addr`.
hexdump              Hexdumps data at the specified address (or at $sp)
id                   None
init                 GDBINIT compatibility alias for 'start' command.
j                    Synchronize IDA's cursor with GDB
k                    Print a backtrace (alias 'bt')
kd                   Dump pointers and symbols at the specified address.
largebins            Prints out the contents of the large bin of the main arena or the arena
less                 None
libs                 GDBINIT compatibility alias for 'libs' command.
lm                   Windbg compatibility alias for 'vmmap' command.
ln                   List the symbols nearest to the provided value.
ls                   None
main                 GDBINIT compatibility alias for 'main' command.
malloc_chunk         Prints out the malloc_chunk at the specified address.
man                  None
memfrob              memfrob(address, count)
mkdir                None
mktemp               None
more                 None
mp                   Prints out the mp_ structure from glibc
mv                   None
nano                 None
nc                   None
nearpc               Disassemble near a specified address.
next_syscall         Breaks at the next syscall.
nextcall             Breaks at the next call instruction
nextjmp              Breaks at the next jump instruction
nextjump             Breaks at the next jump instruction
nextproginstr        Breaks at the next instruction that belongs to the running program
nextret              None
nextsc               Breaks at the next syscall.
pc                   Windbg compatibility alias for 'nextcall' command.
pdisass              Compatibility layer for PEDA's pdisass command
peb                  None
pid                  None
ping                 None
pkill                None
plt                  Prints any symbols found in the .plt section if it exists.
procinfo             Display information about the running process.
ps                   None
pstree               None
pwd                  None
pwndbg               Prints out a list of all pwndbg commands. The list can be optionally filtered if filter_pattern is passed.
r2                   .
regs                 Print out all registers and enhance the information.
reinit_pwndbg        Makes pwndbg reinitialize all state.
reload               None
retaddr              Print out the stack addresses that contain return addresses.
rm                   None
rop                  Dump ROP gadgets with Jon Salwan's ROPgadget tool.
ropgadget            None
ropper               ROP gadget search with ropper.
save_ida             Save the IDA database
search               Search memory for byte sequences, strings, pointers, and integer values
sed                  None
sh                   None
smallbins            Prints out the contents of the small bin of the main arena or the arena
so                   Alias for stepover
sort                 None
ssh                  None
sstart               GDBINIT compatibility alias for 'tbreak __libc_start_main; run' command.
stack                dereferences on stack data with specified count and offset
start                Set a breakpoint at a convenient location in the binary,
stepover             Sets a breakpoint on the instruction after this one
sudo                 None
tail                 None
telescope            Recursively dereferences pointers starting at the specified address
theme                Shows pwndbg-specific theme configuration points.
themefile            Generates a configuration file for the current Pwndbg theme options
top                  None
top_chunk            Prints out the address of the top chunk of the main arena, or of the arena
touch                None
u                    Starting at the specified address, disassemble
uniq                 None
unsortedbin          Prints out the contents of the unsorted bin of the main arena or the
up                   Select and print stack frame that called this one.
version              Displays gdb, python and pwndbg versions.
vi                   None
vim                  None
vmmap                Print virtual memory map pages. Results can be filtered by providing address/module name.
vmmap_add            Add Print virtual memory map page.
vmmap_clear          None
vmmap_load           Load virtual memory map pages from ELF file.
vprot                Windbg compatibility alias for 'vmmap' command.
w                    None
wget                 None
who                  None
whoami               None
xinfo                Shows offsets of the specified address to useful other locations
xor                  xor(address, key, count)